Where Business Sales Professionals Meet
Where Business Sales Professionals Meet
The Downtown Sales Club was founded in 1994 by a group of business sales professionals that were looking to meet with like minded individuals focused on selling their companies B2B products and services. The goals were not only to share non-common knowledge leads but to also help each other to gain access to shared clients and to discuss business problems they all my face and how each other handled those issues.
We are not very formal but we do meet every Weds from 12 to 1 to have lunch exchange leads and information and develop a personal relationship between each member. We limit our membership to 12 members of different industries. Currently we have 10 active members and are looking for 2 more who are the right fit. Please look at our member list to see if your industry is represented.
Are you passionate about what we're selling? Do you understand the value of networking? Let us know! We are always looking for members to help us make our vision a reality. We're excited to have you join the team!
Tina Kirk has been a member for over 10 years. The BELLCO Story - Bell Company, Inc. was established 69 years ago in 1946. Today the company is recognized as a pioneer in the engraving industry. For years, Bell Company has been providing engraving services and supplies locally and around the world.
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